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CEO Glow Show

May 23, 2020

I had so much fun on this LIVE that I had to repurpose it for Pretty Rich Podcast. Brows & Beauty Company CEO Rosie McCorvey had me on her IG LIVE show and we chatted all about combating self-doubt. If you're an anxious beautypreneur ready burst through your fears and connect to your purpose this is a must...

May 16, 2020

Need some ideas and motivation for how to start a side hustle during Coronavirus? All kidding aside I feel for anyone who may be hurting right now. If your career is in the beauty business (permanent makeup, hairstylist, waxing, lashes, esthetician etc.) and you need some online business ideas so you can get paid even...

May 9, 2020

Often times, massive abundance begins with TREMENDOUS scarcity! Every time I experienced leveling up in my career it always started with some sort of rock bottom. This crisis economy could be your jumping point. Mark my words that this season of uncertainty will bear new leaders! This podcast maps out the essential...

May 2, 2020

Before you create your first online course, we want to save you frustration and confusion by sharing our mistakes! E-learning is on the rise, and everyone seems to be doing it now! Sis, get to success faster by listening to this episode where we give it to you straight. Shay and I have been creating online courses for...