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CEO Glow Show

Jan 28, 2022

If you’re sitting staring at your phone wondering why you’re not getting any engagement  or leads on Instagram even though you’re constantly posting, check this episode out! Sheila built her clientele for both her businesses almost entirely on Instagram so she knows what she’s talking about! Tune in to find out...

Jan 25, 2022

There are two types of women: ones who like to be taken care of, and ones who’d rather take care of themselves. There is something to be said about the latter, because that woman has more freedom. Tune in to find out how Sheila Bella feels about the stigma about wealth and being rich and what it could mean for a...

Jan 21, 2022

Are you one of the many who feel a stigma around the word ‘budget.’ Does it make you feel like you’re a cheapskate if you’re trying to be frugal. If trying to save money feels more like an unsustainable diet rather than a healthy lifestyle, check out this episode where Sheila Bella continues in part 2 on how...

Jan 14, 2022

Does thinking about profits and losses of your business scare you so much you chose to ignore it, or you tell yourself "I'll just do it later?" What would happen if the world shut down tomorrow and you were forced to close your doors for an unknown amount of time? It's happened before. Could your business stay afloat...

Jan 11, 2022

Do you ever spend New Years Eve reflecting all your highs and lows from the previous year? Remember feeling pumped and motivated on New Years Day 2021? In this episode, Sheila Bella gets real by  sharing all of her wins, failures, lessons learned, and big takeaways from 2021. Now she's ready to take on 2022! Bring...